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Climate Literacy Training 2024

Climate Literacy Training 2024


The time for Climate Action is HERE and is NOW! And you are invited to take the first step with us: become Climate Literate!

We are delighted that you are interested in joining us on this ambitious mission to create a strong Climate Literate community at Bath.

To complete your Carbon Literacy training and achieve formal accreditation from the Carbon Literacy Project, there are three things you must do.

1. Attend the full 6 hours of carbon literacy training – if you haven’t done this, contact [email protected] to enquire about upcoming dates

2. Complete a pledge form and submit, details given during the training.

3. Pay the £10 accreditation fee.*

* 100% of the fees go to the Carbon Literacy Project. We have a limited number of subsidised tickets at £5 allocated on a first come first served basis. However, we do not want the cost to be a barrier to anyone who wants to get involved. If you are experiencing hardship and cannot afford this cost, please email: [email protected]





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University of Bath
Claverton Down
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+44 (0)1225 388388
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