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Welcome to the PTMC's online store for our CPD courses. Below you can book all courses we currently have scheduled. You can find out more about our offerings on our detailed course webpage

If you require an invoice, please contact us through the above webpage. 

Very infrequently we may have to cancel a course if there is insufficient interest.



FP1DL cover logo

FP1 via distance learning


Take our popular entry-level fluid power course FP1 at any time via our Distance Learning module. You can choose to receive the teaching material via secure download or also add additional tutoring, asessment and a certificate.  

Find out the course content and computer requirements here: 


And find all our courses here:


StartEndCourse Fee 
01/09/202331/12/2033£250.00[Read More]
FP2 Logo

FP2 Component selection for hydraulic systems


This 3.5 day course build upon FP1 and covers hydraulic component selection, including more advanced topics such as non linearities, dynamics and physical principles. You can find an overview here: FP2 - Component Selection for Hydraulic Systems

This course is run in conjunction with the IMechE

Access the full list of PTMC CPD courses.


StartEndCourse Fee 
Component selection for hydraulic systems
05/11/202408/11/2024[Read More]
FPC Logo

FPC Control of mechatronic and electrohydraulic systems


This 3.5 day course gives an introduction to practical control theory, including system modelling and analysis, numerical simulation, and controller design with a focus on electromagnetic and electrohydraulic actuators.

You can find an overview here: FPC - Control of Electrohydraulic Systems 

This course is run in conjunction with the IMechE

Access the full list of PTMC CPD courses.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Control of mechatronic and electrohydraulic systems
03/06/202506/06/2025[Read More]
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University of Bath
Claverton Down
Bath, BA2 7AY
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1225 388388
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