Department of Mathematical SciencesMathematical Sciences: Inverse Problems & Artificial Intelligence in MedicineDescriptionThe LMS Symposium for Inverse Problems and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine will be held over two weeks. Week 1 - Monday 23rd June to Friday 27th June 2025 - 20 places Prices: PhD Student £75 - Other £125 Week 2 - Monday 30th June to Friday 4th July 2025 - 60 places Prices: PhD Student £100 - Other £150 You can book for both weeks if you wish. Add Week 1 first and then Week 2. Times: Registration is from 9am on Day 1 of each week. Week 1 will finish around 6pm on Friday 27th June, Week 2 will finish at 2pm after lunch on Friday 4th July. The Symposium Dinner will be held on Wednesday 2nd July 2025 (2nd Week) at the Architect Restaurant in Bath at 7pm. Prices: 3 courses £45 (limited to 25 places). The dinner can be booked separately at a later date if you are currently unsure whether you wish to attend (subject to availability).