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MSc trip BMW 13 March 2025




BMW trip for MSc students


Detailed Description

Visit one of the most modern car plants in Britain where the legendary MINIs have been rolling off the production line here for more than 20 years. 

Experience the most exciting elements of car production in around 100 min: from the so-called ‘Body-in-white’, the bodyshell, to the finished, personalised MINI. You will visit the state of the art plant and see how thousands of parts come together to produce up to 1,000 MINIs per day. And we take a look into the future: what will the mobility of tomorrow look like? Experience the plant up close: we look forward to seeing you!

This is an iconic British brand and during the visit you will learn all about the history of the brand, how they are produced, as well as the sustainability efforts of the plant.

We have also arranged an exclusive chat with a member of the BMW HR team to find out what their global strategy involves with a chance for student Q&A after. This will take place online on the Wednesday 12th March 10:00-10:45 and you can join this call remotely or on campus (details TBC).

You will need to bring your own lunch on the trip, but teas and coffees can be purchased on site.

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