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Dept of Social and Policy Sciences

Dept of Social and Policy Sciences

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Researcher Wellbeing and Emotionally Challenging Topics - 30th October 2024


Emotionally Challenging Research: impacts, coping and proactive interventions

Researchers embark on explorations of diverse topics, aiming to deepen our understanding of the numerous issues impacting individuals in today's society, a journey that often leads them into the more disturbing and distressing aspects of the human experience (e.g. war, death, violence, crime, poor mental health, poverty).

This training workshop guides participants in the use of the resources on our Researcher Wellbeing Project webpages. The webpages are designed as a practical toolkit, providing resources and guidance to support researchers, managers and institutions in managing the emotional aspects of their work and progressing towards a strategic approach to researcher wellbeing and emotionally challenging topics.

This online workshop runs from 12-3.20pm on Wednesday 30th October 2024.

The full details and programme can be viewed here

Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard rate£40.00[Read More]
Student rate£20.00[Read More]
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