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FPC Control of mechatronic and electrohydraulic systems


Course Information

FPC Logo

This 3.5 day course gives an introduction to practical control theory, including system modelling and analysis, numerical simulation, and controller design with a focus on electromagnetic and electrohydraulic actuators.

You can find an overview here: FPC - Control of Electrohydraulic Systems 

This course is run in conjunction with the IMechE

Access the full list of PTMC CPD courses.

Course Code

Course Description

Full price is £1,450 per person

PTMC Consortium members may book 3 free spaces in the academic year, with a 25% discount on subsequent bookings. You can read about the consortium benefits: Become a member of our PTMC Consortium

Please select the appropriate price.

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Control of mechatronic and electrohydraulic systems
03/06/202506/06/2025[Read More]
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